Well, here it is.
I created this video a few days ago to highlight some ways in which the chimpanzees are spending the shortened days of early winter.
In addition to their usual smorgasbord of foods, an abundance of fuzzy nesting materials and a variety of challenging enrichment puzzles, the chimps now have daily opportunities to harvest armfuls of delicious, powdery snow from Young’s Hill.
Even Mave, Willy B and Honey B, who aren’t as habituated to the cold weather as the seven original residents, seem interested in their outdoor courtyard. The courtyard is an alcove of the Hill that has recently been sectioned off to create a safe, isolated area for the newbies to gradually acclimate to open spaces on their own terms. For the most part, though, they prefer the safety and comfort of the indoor spaces and understandably only go out in the chute when it is sunny and dry. Of the three, Willy seems to be the most cautious about the cold. During his infrequent forays into the chute, Jody, Missy, Annie and the other females make a huge commotion. Their chorus of pant-grunts and unbridled excitement reminds me of teenage girls during Beatle-mania. It’s justifiable, given Willy’s confidence and charm.
It is Burrito, however, who seems the most eager for attention now. He’s recovered in terms of spirit and mobility, so now we are just waiting for him to finish his medication before we reunite him with the full group. In the meantime, he’s enjoying afternoon play-dates with individual companions, and we are ecstatic to see him back to his old ways. Today, for example, he spent time with Jody and then followed Jamie around (inspecting her swollen genitalia incessantly).
I hope you all enjoy the video and the rest of your weekend!
We’re looking forward to giving you some exciting updates soon regarding several new developments at the sanctuary!