The seven resident chimps have something new to occupy their time: neighbors.
With Willy B, Mave and Honey B settling in next door, Burrito and the gang were busy trying to peer through the cracks above and below the Howdy Door. Last week, we locked a metal insert into place so that the door is a solid barrier while the new arrivals are quarantined. This additional surface restricts their ability to interact and see each other, but chimpanzees from the two groups can still hear each other. This is especially noticeable whenever a chimp displays or hoots and the individuals in the adjacent area react accordingly.
As seen in the above video, Foxie was particularly nervous about the door today. She kept returning to it and listening until something happened to make her retreat. Burrito was also inspecting it periodically, usually with his hair piloerect.
On the other side, Willy B seemed interested in the door and occasionally drummed a response. Mave has a habit of politely knocking on the door with her knuckles. So far, only Honey B seems more invested in watching the human caregivers and exploring her new surroundings.
As the days go by and the quarantine period progresses, the prospect of beginning the introduction process grows closer. It’s difficult to determine how each individual will fare when allowed to meet a complete stranger. The Howdy Door and adjacent enclosures will help the integration of the two groups to be a gradual and controlled procedure, enabling us to cater the environment to each chimpanzee’s needs and preferences. This way, when the doors finally open and the groups merge, none of them will be strangers anymore.
It’s going to be sooo interesting when the Howdy door comes down…….
I think Willie B and Burrito will be great mates. They’re both gorgeous and goofy. Saw Willie B today carrying things in his mouth lol
Lol, they like the same toys!
Interesting to see Burrito take that territorial attitude…
Nothing from Jamie?!
This is one of the videos I’ve been hoping for. A deeper peek into the interaction, so far, between the two groups. Thank you so much!
I can’t imagine how intense the curiosity, excitement and nervousness must be for all of them, but especially the 7. They’ve been the only seven since day one, so the new arrivals must be quite the shock. Aww little Foxie. I wish I could give her a big hug of assurance and Mr. B too.
If not for the quarantine would you be able to progress with the phases of the howdy door introductions sooner?
If not for quarantine, we would still want to give the new three some time to acclimate before beginning the introduction process. Even now, we won’t immediately proceed with introductions at the end of the quarantine period if we do not think they are ready for that step.
Fingers crossed for the eventual meeting… it is so fantastic and reassuring that CSNW has a great transition plan for them to very gradually get more familiar with each other … I love that they will all have somewhat of a “Through the barriers” relationship prior to actually meeting. I am so interested to see how each new phase of the encounters goes. Thank you ALL!
Couldn’t stop chuckling over the beginning with Burrito on his reconnaissance mission. All he needed was a pair of binoculars. A big contrast to Annie and her nonchalant approach. Your comment “…the door is portable to uncertainty” sort of knocked the wind out of me. Well stated. What must they be thinking and feeling about the change in their safe haven? Cows are one thing but this, this is entirely different. But I believe Mave has it all figured out.
It is so fun getting to know the new arrivals!
I love how Mave just comely walks up and knocks just like a human would do! She is so sweet!! I love all their different personalities!
Oh Mr. “Big-Pants,” Burrito trying to prove your bravery in front of Foxie…(Seriously, I long to embrace you in a big “motherly” hug to comfort you…LOL…You & your chimp friends & new neighbors fascinate me beyond simple explanation…I’ve been cracking up over your rolling the (plastic) pipe looking piece up to the Howdy door so you could sit & be comfy while trying to sneak all those little peeks…Then trying to catch a peek from UNDER the door door is cracks me up most of all…We’re all sitting on the edge of our seats anxiously awaiting all the excitement to come…Love to everyone associated with CSN…
I meant to “embrace scaredy girl, Foxie”… : ) *
What a fun video. Peeking through the cracks above and below the door was funny enough, but seeing Buritto pushing the big white drum over to the door so he’d be more comfortable while peering through the top crack really was priceless. Glad you showed the reaction to the new residents on the other side, too
Thank you so much for the great video Anthony. I love the dramatic musical accompaniment at the beginning too. I love seeing how both sides of the door are being shown. Foxie’s courage is inspiring. 🙂
Also, is Willy B. much bigger than Burrito? It seems like he is, but it could just be me.
Thank you again.
Is Mave bigger than all the other chimps?
I think in the captions I wrote their names in an order that may have caused some confusion. Willy B is actually the largest of the new three. Mave is smaller but with a stocky build. Honey B is light and lanky.
I would guess the “get to meet” video will be quite something to watch. They do seem
very smart so the “meet and greet” should be very fun. Good luck with the venture.
Just like watching children. I love the way you guys explain things. The chimps are amazing. The new ones are already a part of the family. Thanks for such an awesome video.
I share Foxie’s excitement! Perhaps not in exactly the same manner in which she expresses it, but, still, the tension of my curiosity grows every day! How will the Magnificent Seven react upon finally meeting the Terrific Three (and vice versa)?
Sorry if you already said this elsewhere, but how long is the quarantine period?