Today is our 9th annual Love a Chimpanzee Day! This holiday was born in the imagination of one of the chimps’ longtime friends, but that doesn’t make it any less real to us.
This year we decided to celebrate by offering each of the chimpanzees something they love.
Watching/hearing Burrito laugh was such pleasure; watching him cover his mouth with his hand as he laughed was too precious for words!
Bless all of you for lovin’ up our favorite chimp people!!!!! What a joy to watch. Thank you!!!!
How good must it feel for you to offer the chimps something they love and then watch, up close and personal, as they enjoy it. I say this every year but it needs repeating this year too :”Every day is LOVE A CHIMPANZEE DAY at Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest”. : ) Thank you Elizabeth for showing us each chimps favorite treat-love. Hope Negra got some of her lettuce.
(……and I’m not sure I ever knew Annie loves bare feet, that is too much)
I didn’t know that, either! How funny, then, that her bestie is the one who wears socks!
Looks like she was thinking, “Wow, these guys are like us, after all!”. When you think about it, they probably did not get to see human feet without boots/shoes very often, except for maybe Jamie and Burrito.
Thank you to all the caregivers for giving the chimps such a wonderful Love A Chimpanzee Day and for the love and care you give them everyday!
And I LOVED seeing that brief glimpse of Neggie’s belly as she sat on the hill eating grass!
I hope she got some lettuce, too.
Jamie has more boot books on the way, along with the local supermarket recipe magazine, which features lots of pics of veggie and pasta dishes this month! Lol, maybe Jamie will start ordering dinner from the pics!
They said that they should be there Tuesday.
I also love that shirt you’re wearing (Anna?). I have an adorable little guy turning 5 in May, and would love to get him one, since he’s fond of primates (my niece’s boy). Unfortunately, yours start with a size 8! 🙁
There’s another sanctuary that offers his size, so it’ll have to do, and money to any sanctuary’s good, but I like your design much more. Here’s my bid for adding smaller sizes to your Tshirt collection in the shop!