February appears to be making up for lost winter time. Our relatively mild season so far has suddenly found us in the midst of weeks of below freezing days and nights and inches upon inches of snow. The chimpanzees still have access to their outdoor habitat during the day if they choose to, but they all seemed more than content to stay within the warmth of the chimp house playroom and front rooms. That doesn’t mean they have been busy all day though and really, they like to do most of the same things we humans do on snow days. Eating, having a little fun with snow, staying cozy and taking naps, hanging out with friends, drinking warm tea, creative projects, playing, reading…
Jody enjoyed several blankets warm from the dryer to take an after breakfast snooze while we cleaned the playroom:
We continued the snow snack sculptures which the chimps visited throughout the day.
And in between all of her folio projects, Jamie took some time to enjoy her current favorite read, “Dwell” magazine: