The Cle Elum Seven chimpanzees are usually cooperative. But sometimes they make us earn it.
Archives for December 18, 2018
Happy Birthday, Linda!
Today was sponsored by Aimee Kaufman and Adam Webber in honor of their mother, Linda Webber! Aimee and Adam shared this message about their gift:
“Today is our mother’s birthday. All she wanted was a donation in her name to the sanctuary. She has such joy and love for the chimps at the rescue. It was her son, Adam who introduced her to the sanctuary after he began volunteering there. Nothing would make her more happy than to honor her by dedicating a day in her name. We love you Mom. Adam and Aimee”
Aimee and Adam, thanks so much for choosing to honor your mother and celebrate her special day by making a difference in the chimps’ lives!
Linda, we hope you have a beautiful day and year ahead! Thank you so much for your heart full of love for the chimps. Happy Birthday from all of us here at the sanctuary and may it be the best one yet!
Jamie and Missy, always enjoying whatever life brings their way (a winter past – we don’t have nearly this much snow…yet…):