Everyone’s gathering. Red-winged blackbird, nuthatch, woodpeckers, squirrels. With each passing day we see the return of our wild neighbors. We’re still below freezing at night, but today is almost 60 degrees! And with that warmth returned the neighbors I’ve been watching for every day, the ones who announce it’s spring, regardless of the calendar: the swallows and the bluebirds!
When the chimps rushed onto the hill together this morning they all seemed to slow down, noticing the warmth of the sun and the air filled with birdsong. It was as if everything stilled for a moment and my heart sang right along with all the birds just watching the chimps take it all in. Spring has arrived.
When the sky is bluebird bright and clear, Annie in particular loves to find a perch outside in the sun and take it all in in relative solitude. Her bestie, Missy, was ripping and running back and forth beneath her trying to entice her into a game of chase, but it was some time before Annie could be swayed to leave her lookout. When she finally did decide to head inside she promptly made a nest in the sun streaming into the chimps’ playroom, put her feet up on the wall and sang her own Annie-bird song (whistling through her hands) that always means her heart is joyful and content. Missy came in and curled up next to Annie in the nest. And so our day went, all our hearts singing.