Chimpanzees who have spent their lives in laboratories face a number of challenges as they adapt to life outdoors. Things that we take for granted – the rustle of leaves in the wind, sudden spring rainstorms – may be unfamiliar or even frightening to them.
But there’s one fear that seems particular to Foxie. While the other chimps walk freely throughout Young’s Hill, blissfully unaware of the danger that lurks beneath them, Foxie remains ever vigilant. She knows that each step has the potential to provoke one of the world’s most violent and menacing creatures…
These winged death beasts lie silent in wait, camouflaged like assassins in the tall grass until, with a leap of over 20 body lengths, they attack their unsuspecting victims. But Foxie is always prepared – she bravely dispatches each of them with one fell swoop before they can sow any further terror.
She knows they will be back. And she will be ready.
Barb says
I can’t stop laughing.
Nancy says
I love my Foxie girl, I can watch all these chimps All Day!
Julie says
Hilarious–thank you so much!!
Julie says
Thank you for capturing the look of sheer horror on her face!
Amy says
Ewww !! Atta girl Foxie.. so brave !
Kathleen says
I feel guilty having such a good chuckle at poor Foxie’s expense. I feel her fear in photo #3! Yikes! No wonder she carries her dolls with her, body guards I am sure.
Paula says
5 star post!
Terry says
Ha ha ha–hilarious!
And thank you, too, for the lovely, thoughtful piece on Negra a week or so ago, building trust.
elaine reininger says
I thought you were going to say SNAKES. This was so funny–started my day off with a big smile. I remember back a year or so one of the chimp went crazy over a picture of a snake and ripped the page out of the book.
Barbara says
Do the chimps ever eat insects like grasshoppers?
Diana says
The only insect-like being we have witnessed the chimpanzees eat is wasp larvae, and we were very surprised by that! Both Jamie and Missy collect wasp nests and eat the larvae out of them.
Pat Malcolm says
?????????? I just love that Foxie chimpanzee person!
Karen and Don says
Foxie is the chimpanzee gift that keeps on giving! What a “Hoot” she is!
Francoise Vulpe says
Snakes, I thought. But I would never have imagined grasshoppers. They never cease to surprise.