It’s been sunny today with no additional snow, but what we have has been taking its time melting and it’s still pretty chilly out.
The chimps have chosen to park themselves in front of sunny windows facing the valley to nap and groom and occasionally engage in games of chase, thundering through the loft of their playroom or nesting out of sight in the top of the greenhouse.
Foxie seems to be particularly enjoying the snow days and has been taking full advantage of the weather to enjoy some indoor games. She has also requested so many snowballs to eat that I think she has to take breaks in-between to be rowdy and raucous so she can warm herself up. So after a particularly large number of snowballs, we had a long bout of passing her beloved purple-haired doll back and forth with spins, leaps, pirouettes and general chimpanzee shenanigans.
Her she is lying on the heated floor playing with her doll and prepping to pass it to me through the caging:
Here she had two dolls and we were racing to pass them back and forth between us, always a favorite:
Foxie stopped to check out her image in the camera:
And what would be a proper game without standing on your head?
All those shenanigans can wear a girl out: