Can you believe it? It’s actually 2017!
A new day of a new year – fresh and waiting for what is to come.
Friend of the sanctuary Kathleen, who has donated her amazing graphic design talents on many projects for the sanctuary over the last few years, has the unique privilege of having this day in her honor.
David Guernsey sponsored today in Kathleen’s honor with this message, When asked what Kathleen wanted for Christmas, her reply was a gift to her favorite friends at Chimpanzee Sanctuary NW. January 1st seemed like a fitting day as I know she shares your excitement in the expansion of the sanctuary property. Happy New Year CSNW.
Thank you, David, and thank you, Kathleen for all of the wonderful things that you do for your chimpanzee friends.
Here’s to Hope.Love.Home…Sanctuary for more chimpanzees!
I thought I’d bring back a video in honor of Kathleen from last year of BFFs Missy and Annie, because this kind of love and silliness is what sanctuary is all about:
and some bonus photos of Negra, because… Negra:
Beautiful! Happy New Year!! Blessings for all that is good to you all ~ love the chimps!!
Best Christmas gift EVER! Thank you Diana for these lovely photos of my dear Negra and for this hysterical video of BFF’s Missy and Annie playing. (I feel as if I never saw this one before?!) You are right about the video expressing what Sanctuary is all about. Sanctuary is a ‘feeling’, something you need to experience (and we do through this outstanding Blog!), an emotion as much as it is a way of life. Sanctuary is compassion. It is choice, creativity, self exploration, self expression, friendship, laughter, family, love, and above all it is freedom. Long over due freedom for the chimpanzees who had no choice in the life they were forced to live prior to a life in sanctuary.
I am excited about your mission to bring more chimpanzees HOME to sanctuary. Can’t wait to see what 2017 has in store for CSNW and I am also very excited to see all the new, brave challenges that Missy, Annie, Negra, Jamie, Jody, Foxie and Burrito will overcome this year. They never cease to amaze me!
Happy New Year to you all! Much love always!