If you are new to the blog, Jamie is our master tool user here at Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest. When she has something on her mind, she tends to find just the tool to get the job done. Sometimes she finds small sticks and plants on Young’s Hill to use (the 2 acre outdoor enclosure), while other times she picks from an assortment of enrichment objects we give to the chimps.
Check out J.B.’s recent video blog post of the chimps using various tools at the sanctuary.
This afternoon, I was taking photos of Annie in the Playroom, with her leg up in the air, grooming herself. It was a quiet, peaceful moment, when all of the sudden, Jamie came running through the doorway between the Greenhouse and the Playroom. Her mission….
…yes, you probably guessed it. It was to get chunks of snow from Young’s Hill.
Once she dug at the snow, chunks came off and she brought them back to the Greenhouse to eat.