Don’t tell Missy and Annie that they fall into the “elderly” category for chimpanzees. Just watch today’s video!
All of the chimps REALLY enjoyed the cooler weather this morning and were out and about. I took about four zillion photos, but when I was going through them, I realized I needed to highlight the video clips of Annie and Missy’s Olympic-worthy antics.
Isn’t it beautiful seeing chimps being chimps?!
It makes me happy to see them enjoying their life in their forever home. They are beautiful.
They are having such a good time! Thank you all for making this possible!
They are making up for lost time.
You folks did an amazing job with all of the play structures. They get to do some truly chimpanzee stuff on them. And I can’t believe the tightrope walking! That is some skill. And I loved how one time they ran the tightrope and didn’t even bother to stop as they passed each other. Obviously having too much fun! Great stuff. Thanks.
Has there ever been thought of planting some larger trees that they can climb on?