We’re always trying to come up with ways to can keep the Cle Elum Seven enriched throughout the day. We offer toys, blankets, boots, dolls, clothing, containers (to name a few) each day. But, sometimes nature provides the best forms of enrichment, including grass and plants to forage, birds to watch (and chase) and snakes to inspect.
So, it’s always nice to incorporate parts of nature into the chimps’ enrichment. Pine cones are a great way to do just that. Add a little peanut butter to the outside, hide a few raisins in the middle and viola, chimpanzee evening enrichment.
Who knew pinecones would be such a great hit1
You guys are so clever. You can see them thinking and examining the pine cone for another hidden yummy.
Oh I just LOVE this, especially with raisins hidden within!! And look at Annie’s outstretched leg and sweet little foot hanging onto the fire hose! You are all so creative and good to these beloved chimps.
I love the close-up of Jody and also Annie’s foot!