Did you know that Dora the Explorer has friends? Foxie knows, and she seems particularly fond of Kate, a red-haired friend who has a “flair for the dramatic and the heart of an artist” according to Fisher Price…
This must be that flair for the dramatic:
Speaking of dramatic, did you hear about the sanctuary’s seriously good news? If you are on the e-news list, you should have received this email last night, which linked to this story in the Ellensburg Daily Record.
We have a lot of work and fundraising yet to do, but the $50,000 matching grant from the Chimpanzee Sanctuary Fund is the first big step in bringing new friends for Foxie and the rest of the Cle Elum Seven – actual chimpanzee friends! Read more in the announcement if you didn’t get a copy in your inbox.
Thanks to donors in the last several hours, we are now over halfway to a $5,000 match from an anonymous couple and Karen and Don Young to be raised prior to HOOT! – if you haven’t donated, there’s still time to have your donation matched!
In other news, I promised to update everyone on the bumper ball. It exceeded almost everyone’s expectations by surviving a few months, but, sadly, it is no longer. Sherry Rogers certainly won the bet on its longevity! Part of the fun for the chimpanzees was trying to destroy it, for sure. We have one more waiting in the wings that we hope to introduce if we can inflate it to its fullest.
So happy about expansion plans and more chimps to be rescued
Love to all of you and the 7.
Thank you, Mary!
I jumped up and down with joy reading your email announcement. (And “Congratulations!” on your Anniversary!) The news about the $50,000 matching grant from the Chimpanzee Sanctuary Fund (that will go towards the first phase of your expansion) is amazing news. And the article in the Daily record was great as was this blog post on The Chimpanzee Sanctuary Fund’s site: http://www.chimpstosanctuary.org/the-chimpanzee-sanctuary-fund-announces-first-round-of-grants-to-sanctuaries-starting-with-the-care-of-chimps-from-new-mexico/
So many awesome reasons to celebrate! I look forward to the day when the new chimpanzees are released from their decades in biomedical labs and they arrive at CSNW where they can finally live the life they deserve. It is all hard to imagine, restitution — so profound.
We are jumping up and down (and bouncing off walls) too. We are very excited about the Chimpanzee Sanctuary Fund also giving a grant to Chimp Haven, who will be taking chimpanzees originally in Alamogordo who were transferred to Texas Biomed. Hopefully among this group is Jody’s son Levi!
Congratulations on your anniversary and what great news about the expansion. How wonderful that more chimpanzees will be able to live out their lives with all of you at the sanctuary:)
Thank you, Arlene and Michael! We appreciate your support!
Indeed! This is so exciting! I can imagine that you are bouncing off the walls with happiness. It is also well deserved recognition of your hard work, the true sanctuary you have given the 7, and your capacity to do more. Congratulations!
Thank you, Francoise! We are indeed bounding off the walls with happiness. There is still a lot to be done, but what a very nice first step towards helping more chimpanzees!