It all started with Jamie insisting we go for a walk around Young’s Hill. For those of you new to the blog, Jamie chimpanzee loves for us humans to wear her favorite boots and join her on her perimeter patrols (humans on one side of the electric fences, Jamie on the other). I did the usual, trying to guess which ones she wanted me to put on. After a few failed attempts, Elizabeth and I figured it out. She wanted the purple pair, her newest and currently, most favorite boots (thanks Kimber!). So, I grabbed them from the sink where they were being cleaned and rinsed them off. Before I could even tell her they were too wet for me to put on, and that I would just be carrying them, she was gone. I walked out the door to the other side of the fence to join her. She’d already made it most of the way up one side of the hill by that time. She waited for me to catch up before continuing on her perimeter patrol.
When we got back to the Greenhouse, she made the gesture that she wanted to see the boots for a little grooming.
Meanwhile, Missy was busy, running back and forth from the top of the hill back down and then from one side to the other. She stopped every so often to look back over her shoulder, perhaps to see if there was something she missed while she was running. I watched her for a bit and caught her in the following stance and wondered what she was looking at. Perhaps, she was practicing her stance She looked pretty intent on something. What could it be?
Of course!!! It was her dear friend Annie running up the hill towards her.
Who wouldn’t want to groom those purple boots?!?! And I am giggling over the photos of Missy and her athletic form, poised, ready and waiting for her friend Annie and a fun game of chase. Never a dull moment at CSNW.
What fun, a game of chase with a friend! Love the purple boots!