Jamie does not exhibit vulnerability often. She is in complete command of herself and everyone else at all times, and what she sometimes lacks in confidence she makes up for in bluster. In her relationships with humans and other chimps, she rarely lets her guard down.
But Jamie has one weakness: men. Men make Jamie as close to googly-eyed as she ever gets. Our personnel at the sanctuary have always skewed heavily female. Out of our six staff members, one is male. Out of our 42 current chimp house volunteers, five are male (which is the most we’ve ever had at one time). Jamie’s behavior around these male volunteers would be recognizable to anyone who’s ever had a crush.
This morning volunteer Yuri was here and Jamie split her time between staring at him and trying to get his attention. Here she is trying to catch a glimpse of him working in the kitchen:
That is so funny !! Did she ever get Yuri’s attention ?
Yes! Jamie has the kind of personality that you can’t ignore. 🙂
Are you kidding me?! This is so funny! I would have never guessed this of Jamie but it really has me giggling right now. So am I to assume that Jamie has never thrown “anything” at her 5 new crushes when they volunteer?! Are they spared all naughty behavior? Jamie is an enigma (in a good way!). She is just wonderful.
Alas, no. No one is spared. 🙂
So funny!
oh my goodness – so cute and so funny. That picture is is the thousand words!