It’s a beautiful bright blue sky kind of day at the sanctuary, but the wind is biting and cold. In between quick ventures onto Young’s Hill, the chimpanzees have each spent their day finding a variety of warm places in the sun to enjoy.
Annie running up the hill to check the tire swing for ice which she happily found and ran back to the greenhouse to enjoy – and that’s Foxie and Dora on the side:
Jody has been making daily trips up the hill to check for the wild greens which haven’t started to come up yet. She did come back with what looked suspiciusly like a young bamboo shoot though.
Here’s Foxie sporting a grimace in response to the cold wind as she quickly heads back inside with her Dora dolls:
Back in the south facing window of the greenhouse, Foxie warms up with the sun on her face:
Missy joins Foxie in the sunny spot:
Burrito having an after lunch rest in the greenhouse:
There are three levels in the greenhouse and with each one the heat increases significantly. The chimps often like to pile together at the very top where they can bake in the sun. Foxie and Dora are kicked back in the heat:
Beautiful Missy decided to make a nest on the catwalk in the playroom in the south-facing windows:
The chimpanzees weren’t the only ones looking for a warm spot in the sun today:
I wasn’t able to capture any photos of the Queen and the Boss, but Negra has spent most of the day in “happy baby” pose in her nest, holding her feet and luxuriating in the glaring sun. And in between brisk walks, Jamie has also spent most of the day in a warm nest out of view. 🙂
Foxie’s pose with her leg on her knee and Dora is priceless! That one could win a beauty contest.
I can relate to Foxie’s cold-wind-grimmace-face. So nice to see her warm and snug in the next photo. Enjoyed all the photos today, thank you! I could feel the warmth coming through my computer screen.
Hi Kathleen! Yes, I think most of the humans were grimacing as well yesterday in that cold wind was we walked around the hill with Jamie.
Was Foxie rubbing her toes in that picture? I just love when she does that. Warms my heart to see them all enjoying the sunshine – thank you all …
Hi Dalyce, Yes, she was! Good eye! I love it when she does that as well, which is much of the time these days. 🙂
Thank you for the lovely photos and details about how they spent their day. I love keeping up with the chimps (and Ellie) to find out what they’re up to.