Grooming is a positive social behavior in chimpanzees. It helps repair and strengthen relationships (of course it is also great for hygienic purposes). The best spot to groom at the sanctuary has to be in the sunny greenhouse, as caregivers frequently catch “piles” and “trains” of grooming chimpanzees basking together on platforms. Sometimes we can barely tell where one chimpanzee starts and another begins. Just before lunch, this group was caught in a grooming “pile.”
How good are you feeling about your chimpanzee identification skills? Post your ID guesses in the comments!
Very efficient, I must say
I see 4 and think Burrito is on the far right, Jody (or Foxie) in front of him, then Jamie (her hand and top of head) and Missy far left. I think I got them all wrong but it was fun guessing! [shame on me for not knowing!]
You got Burrito (and Jody correct), Jamie too! It is actually Foxie on the left!
Pretty close! Thanks!
Negra, Jamie, Jody, Burrito?
Close! It was Foxie (Jamie in the back grooming Foxie’s head), Jody and Burrito!
This is such a great tool for me while studying my ID’s!
From the right I see Burrito with that freckled left ear grooming Jo jo with her narrow but prominent brow ridge. The other two are more guesses than actual confirmations: on the far left with that white chin I’m going to go with Fox, and Jamie behind her with that almost “hair part” down the top of her head 🙂
I would appreciate more group photos without name labels, such a great idea!
Great job Alex! You are an I.D. pro!
Does Foxie have an injury on her left shoulder or is it just the lightening? Who would get so mad at Foxie, she’s the little uniter not the divider. 🙂
Good eye Holly! She does have an old injury there, but it’s healing up. Foxie is definitely the diplomat of the group, but even she can’t always stay out of the scuffles.