We take a lot of photos and video around here, but Jamie isn’t always a fan of the camera. Sometimes she’ll be clear across the room, and as soon as she spots a caregiver with the camera she charges over and pounds on the caging to let us know to cut it out. If you’ve ever had an adult chimpanzee charge toward you, hair standing on end (even if there’s caging between you), you’ll know why we respect her wishes. She gets her message across loud and clear.
But sometimes Jamie’s in a tolerant mood. At times she even enjoys the camera; she likes for us to turn the camera around and show her what we’ve captured. Today she allowed me to record her building a nest in the playroom. She even gave me her patented head nod of approval (watch to the end).
I think she was just too busy getting everything perfect for an upcoming nap to school you once again on camera edict.
Thank you Jamie.
The look she gives you at 1.04-1.07 in the video totally melted my heart. (heavy sigh……) And am I the only one who has this tugging feeling in my chest when I see the back of her head with that little wispy bed-head thing going on?!
Did you show her the video?
I did! Jamie always loves seeing photos and videos of herself. 🙂
Do any of them show a preference for certain blankets…..maybe the patterned ones?
I haven’t noticed any of the chimps showing a preference for certain blankets based on pattern or color. They tend to just grab whatever’s in front of them. Jamie does have a special fondness for sheets, though.
love the head nod. 😀
Kathleen, for some reason I teared up at that part.