One of the first nearly chimp-proof enrichment items the chimpanzees had after arriving to the sanctuary was a “boat bumper” donated by long-time supporter Kathy Benson, who found it at a garage sale.
Below is a photo of Annie (yawning) holding the toy. This was taken in July of 2008, less than a month after the chimpanzees arrived.
Recently, I searched on amazon for the same thing, remembering how much fun it had been for the chimps all those years ago. It turns out the big ones are fairly expensive, and I didn’t know if it would last as long, so I opted to get a small version and see how things went…
I do like how portable this version is –
but given Jamie and Missy’s keen interest in “opening” the ball, I’m not sure how long it will last. What do you think?
Ha! Love Foxie’s version of the workout with the punching bag. <3
It makes me laugh every time I watch it. I’m glad I was able to bring it back for people to enjoy 🙂
They are so determined and smart I give it another week at best.
I’m thinking the same thing, Martha!
Jamie’s use of a “tool” and determination to get in to the ball is amazing. I was also amazed at her interest in the book at Christmas and her reaction to the snake picture. How smart she was to tear the page out and get rid of that bad snake. I am assuming her reaction was instinctual as well as smart.
The buoy is a great enrichment toy and I give it several months. Please keep us posted.
That video from Christmas has to be one of the most interesting behaviors we’ve captured. Kudos to J.B. for filming it all. Fear of snakes does seem to be instinctual, though we haven’t witnessed that reaction looking at a photo before. I will keep you posted on the fate of the buoy!
Maybe a few weeks to a month. But I think that might be a stretch as somebody’s working that toothbrush quite well. Looks like I could use them to help me open things at home.
Missy is pretty good with that toothbrush! I love when Jamie looks around for a better tool too.
And at one point it looked as if Missy was going to try dropping it. She’s too smart, however. Surely it just would have bounced. Good fun.
Within the week it will no longer be buoyant.
I would say that’s a good guess, Denice. I was surprised it made it past the weekend, though, so maybe it’s a more difficult challenge than I had originally thought.
Give Jamie and Missy a screwdriver and I give it 2 minutes! Amazing how they both focused on getting into the “hardwear”! I think you need to see if Amazon Wish List sells Boat Bumpers! This way they can have large and small version to play with. ; ) Yes, keep us posted.
Right?! If they had a screwdriver it would be all over. I don’t remember the same screw in the larger one, which is maybe why it lasted longer. Amazon does have different sizes – I can add them to the wishlist. I wanted to test this one out first to see if there was an interest and make sure it would last a while because the larger ones are pretty pricey. Maybe someone can find another one at a garage sale – that would be ideal!
Hi Diana, I have been looking for more since the others went flat.
So far no luck, but I keep looking.
Thanks, Kathy! It really was one of the best enrichment items the chimps have had. And as of this afternoon, the little one is still “alive.”
I work with gorillas and orangutans and they would love this!! Do you have any information on where to order and any details pertaining to the bumper (size, durability, etc.)? How long did they last with the chimps? Was the hardware easy to get out once the bumper was deflated? Our orangutans will probably be more interested in that!! Thanks so much for your feedback! 🙂
Hi Abby! I added a couple of different versions to our wishlist – there are smaller sizes available on Amazon too – just search for the brand. Sometimes they are called “boat fenders”. The large one we had years ago that lasted so long (more than a year!). I believe was the Tuff End brand (just based on the slightly different shapes of those I found). Hope that helps!
Thank you so much! If we get one I’ll get some pictures of the animals playing to share!
That would be great!
I guess if you work with both species of great apes then you must work in a Zoo, as I don’t know of sanctuaries that have both those particular species together. Is it here in the states? ????
Our species are not mixed. We house our orangutans and gorillas separate but they are in the same building! I am lucky enough to work with both.
I was asking because I wanted to read about it if you cared to share the name. ???? Everything I know about apes I’ve learned from reading and just watching their behaviour in videos. I’ve just not heard of a place here in the States that serves as a sanctuary for both of those particular species unless it might be Florida. I heard there’s a vet there with a “private collection” (this person’s direct quote, not mine).
Anyway, yes, very interested in learning more.
I work at a zoo!! 🙂
Um, okay. I wasn’t sure I was wording my thoughts correctly; I didn’t mean to upset or annoy you.
You didn’t upset me or annoy me at all! I was just excited! I’ve never heard of a sanctuary that houses gorillas and orangutans but a lot of zoos have them.
Oh, good! Wasn’t sure my question was coming off the way I hoped it would, so am relieved. <3
No, I have *never* heard of a sanctuary housing *any* of the great apes together, as in giving them the same enclosure and letting them live together, and would be suspect of them if I had.
Gorillas and Chimpanzees (well, mostly chimps) are my favourites, but I've never been privileged enough to have been to a Zoo to see them, so I watching as many videos as I can to get my "fix". 😀
Srry (<— intentional misspelling), I hate typos, even after I've proofed it. 🙂
It’s so nice to see such care and thought put into stimulating captive chimpanzees! Keep up the great work and can’t wait to see the group Sunday!