I probably could never quite explain how ecstatic we all were to wake up to sunshine and beautiful clear blue skies this morning. We couldn’t wait to start shoveling the chimps’ walkway on Young’s Hill and fluff it up with fresh, dry straw so that they could enjoy their morning outside.
As we prepped the walkway the chimpanzees were so excited, intermittently watching us and playing and laughing with one another inside.
Once I opened the door to the hill I couldn’t believe my eyes when who but Negra was leading the group outside! You can just see her head peeking out from in front of Missy at the head of the line. Then we have Annie, Foxie and Jamie bringing up the rear with one of her new snow shovels (Burrito was the one person who opted to stay inside and eat snow from the raceway door, but he’s been enjoying a day of Burrito-style antics with his caregivers):
I put a straw path up to one of the swinging tires, always a favorite spot to check for ice treats. Jody headed straight for it and quickly made her way back to the greenhouse with her prize. The trick was getting around boss lady, Jamie, with her treat undetected.
But the boss had work to do so Jody was able to sneak by.
Annie enjoying her solitude:
But she was so happy when her best friend, Missy, arrived and greeted her with a kiss and a hug:
Foxie rubs her toes together when she’s happy and content and if you look close you can see she seemed to be pretty pleased to be enjoying the morning outside with her troll:
Jamie was in her element this morning as she proudly surveyed her snow covered kingdom:
Foxie and troll headed back inside after stopping to collect snow on the way:
Annie was the last to head inside, but had to stop briefly to readjust her huge mouthful of snow:
Jamie still had a little work to do:
Negra didn’t stay out long, but she made it quite away out to collect snow and then returned to her favorite sunny spot inside the greenhouse to enjoy it, along with Jody.
It’s been a good day at the sanctuary! The chimpanzees have spent a lot of time outside enjoying some warmer temperatures and even more time at the top of the toasty greenhouse grooming and napping. Blue skies and sunshine have worked wonders and been a welcome respite from our crazy winter for all the primates here today.
I love this blog! Dear Negra – going out … Sneaky Jody, good for you! Annie and her alone time. Foxie rubbing her toes – can never tire of that. Missy enjoying her time outside as well. And the ever hard working Jamie. Burrito enjoying his time inside with no ladies – and snow for all! What a good day for sure!
What a great post!!! Thanks so much
It made my entire week to discover that Negra lead the troupe outside and up the hill!! Oh my! Love ALL the photos and hearing about the sunny days activities. Can’t believe Annie’s mouthful and that shot of Jamie looks as if she’s considering tossing a snowball! I melted seeing the photo of Missy and Annie embracing. Sigh…….
Hi Kathleen,
Jamie, did in fact, nail me right in the face with a snowball the other morning so one never knows what she may be thinking. 😉 That was in response to my opening the door to Young’s Hill to yet another snowy morning so I can’t blame her. Good shot. 🙂
That is hysterical. She’s got good aim! Better than the alternative. ; )
What lovely pictures showing each chimpanzee enjoying the sun and the snow in their own way. Looks like all is right with the world:)
Great pictures of the chimps enjoying their morning outing. The picture of Missy and Annie was so touching.
So happy to see Negra go outside, let alone leading the group. The pictures were great. Thank you ????????
Great blog and pics. And how nice of you all to shovel a path and cover it with straw for the Chimps! Its obvious they are all truly cared for by everyone!
I love reading about the spectacular seven & their antics. Beautiful photos as well.
You can see the love & care given to all of the chimps is from the heart??
Thank you for making my day.
Isn’t it just amazing when you can make somebody so happy??!! What a great day! How long in all were they outside? I’m wondering about how much they can tolerate the cold.
Well done folks, You show so much love in what you do for them and it is returned many fold, no doubt.
Hi Francoise,
Yes, it was the best thing ever to see them enjoy some time out in the sun! Much to all our delight, the chimpanzees were back and forth on the hill for most of the day! I’m sure they do get cold if they are outside for too long, especially since they tend to be eating snow, so they stay out for shorter times before coming inside to warm up. It’s also an individual preference/tolerance, like us. 50-60°F is pretty ideal for this group though Negra likes it a bit warmer, but we have a few months to go for those temps. Last year we had virtually no snow, but some very cold temperatures with sun, and Jamie would walk the perimeter in the teens and below so we monitored her closely to make sure she would self-regulate her exposure.
It warmed my heart to see the Chimps enjoying the Snow & the cold.