It’s not uncommon to find Missy on one of the towers at the top of Young’s Hill, just taking in the view.
Jody tagged along with Missy on one of her little adventures this afternoon.
On the way back down, Jody made sure to grab a snack to bring back to the greenhouse.
When we got to the bottom of the hill, I got what I’m pretty sure is the world’s only photo of a chimpanzee watching an elk watching the UPS man (you may have to look closely to find Ellie in the middle).
I look forward to the daily adventures of these amazing beings!
Love that last picture!
Gorgeous photos, wow! Especially the first 2 of Missy. I always enjoy seeing Jody grabbing a snack-to-go from the Hill. Wonderful the way she takes delight in her fresh picked natural treats. It seems like such a small basic act, but knowing Jody never had the opportunity to do this for decades makes it so touching (and significant) that she can do so now. It’s hard to explain how I feel every time I see her with her mouth full of greens — sigh.
Still giggling over your last shot! Would love to know what the driver was thinking. And I see from this photo that Ellie is back, or did she just arrive because the delivery was for her?
Don’t you wonder what Missy us is thinking as she looks out on that beautiful view?