While Jamie and I walked around Young’s Hill yesterday, Missy decided to make her way across the hill via the highest points of the climbing structures. I think she traversed every climbing structure the chimps have on the hill, taking in the view from each spot. Walking is boring, if you’re Missy.
As Jamie and I reached the top of Young’s Hill, Missy raced pass to the next climbing structure and we were greeted by Foxie, Dora and troll, who were on their way over to check out what was happening on the neighbor’s property. Foxie spent most of the morning sitting on the very top of the new structure. Balancing precariously (from my perspective, not hers) on the railing to be precise. She spent over an hour all on her own, seemingly taking in the view in every direction from the highest lookout on the hill.
Back to Missy, who took Jamie’s and Carlene’s Towers across the top of the hill. My heart will never tire of watching the chimpanzees as they take in the views from the hill. My heart swells thinking of the courage they’ve found to climb to such heights and sit peacefully in solitude. Can you just imagine the awe they must feel after having survived over 30 years in cages the size of bathroom stalls to now find themselves with the freedom to run, roam, and climb to their hearts’ content? The awe they must feel when taking in such a vast landscape after having lived in a windowless basement?
You can just see Missy’s head at the bottom of the ladder as she looks toward Jamie and I at the bottom of the hill. At this point Missy ran full speed all the way down the hill and back to the greenhouse. But then, why walk when you can fly?
Thanks from the bottom of our hearts for the support and love you so generously share with the chimpanzees. And thanks to all of you who were able to participate and make our amazing auction as amazing as it was. It’s each of you that make this life of awe, wonder and hope possible for the chimps.
These pictures are wonderful. They make me feel free, too. By the way, I didn’t realize until last week that there were cows to watch, too. So much to keep track of!
You invite such wonderful insight into how they must be feeling, that it makes me feel their happiness too!!! Great post!!
Absolutely beautiful.
Wonderful post – love all the pictures!
This is a lovely post but I must confess when I saw the title in my email, I thought Missy has passed on. So happy she’s still with us enjoying her life at the sanctuary!
Beautiful post! It’s wonderful to see the chimps so happy and enjoying life!
I feel as if I just took flight with Missy on her Young’s Hill adventure! What a great post Katelyn. It IS so hard to imagine how each chimp must feel, really feel, when they run, climb and just take in that beautiful view of the natural world around them. The sights, smells, feelings under foot and breezes on their faces. Do they ever wonder “Where was all this before?!”. SO, thank YOU ALL for giving them new experiences, happy memories, and a beautiful, well deserved life of freedoms, choices and sanctuary. You are Missy’s wings