Jamie is a restless soul. She’s rarely at ease. That isn’t to say she isn’t happy; she just requires near constant attention and enrichment. We could probably use an entire extra caregiving staff just to fulfill Jamie’s complex social needs.
But once in awhile the stars align and we find Jamie in a moment of peace, wanting nothing from us. During a break in cleaning this morning, I took the camera out to the greenhouse. I found everyone except for Jamie on the wooden platform, resting or grooming. I didn’t see Jamie anywhere. After a few minutes I walked around to the other side of the greenhouse and spotted Jamie lying silently and contentedly in this hammock, cradling one of her beloved boots.
Oh Elizabeth. This is one of those posts that really got to me. Very beautiful and bitter-sweet at the same time. Being the beautiful and extremely intelligent Jamie must be difficult for her as well as all of you. For anyone out there who is not convinced that every chimpanzee needs a life of retirement in an accredited sanctuary setting (and I know your audience does not include these people!) — I ask them all to discover Jamie. This photo of her speaks volumes!
Fabulous post – thank you!
Such a beautiful girl.
i loved this post…thanks so much
Beautiful and bittersweet is exactly right, Kathleen. I smiled but then quickly saddened, thinking that Jamie should be cuddling her beloved baby, instead of a boot, in a treetop nest instead of a hammock (even though it looks very comfy). But if she can have the next best, it is indeed at the sanctuary where she is passionately loved and respected and where her needs are the first concern, always.
Very many thanks for what you do.