After lunch is the laziest time of the day here at the sanctuary. The chimpanzees have a few hours between lunch and dinner, and they usually spend it in quiet pursuits like grooming, nesting, and napping. This afternoon we set up a lunch forage on Young’s Hill, and after all that activity and excitement, Jody was ready for a little solitary grooming.
After awhile, even grooming took too much energy and she settled in for a nap.
What a peaceful, sweet face !! What great photos ! It’s so nice to see the chimps relaxed and content. They do deserve it.
Now that is a yawn.
How I love the chimp’s faces!
Good night Sweet Jody!
A well deserved nap for my dear sweet Jody
Jody is an incredible beautiful lady… I always “fall in love” with Jody when I watch her photos 🙂