This day of sanctuary was sponsored by Karen Olson, in honor of her sister, Julie, on her birthday! As you may recall, Julie just sponsored a day for Karen’s birthday! Karen shared this lovely message about today:
“My sister Julie is one of the most caring people I have ever met. As soon as I shared the story of the Chimp Sanctuary with her she immediately became a fan and supporter. She has very much enjoyed our two trips to visit the sanctuary and follows the blog daily.”
Happy Birthday, Julie! We hope you have a day of celebration filled with all the love and joy you and Karen help provide for others. Thanks so much to both of you for including the chimpanzees in your lives while making a difference in theirs. The love and respect you two share for one another is touching and inspiring. It can’t help but bring to mind two other very special ladies, best friends, Missy and Annie:
Happy Birthday Julie! Thank you Karen for sharing with the chimps. I wish both of you many happy days in the future! Sisters are one of life’s greatest blessings, and I miss mine everyday.
Jackie, they definitely are a blessing!