Today’s day of sanctuary was sponsored by Julie Olson, in honor of her sister, Karen Olson, for her birthday! Julie shared this wonderful message about Karen:
“I want to honor my sister Karen Olson on her birthday. Having a day sponsored for the chimps on her birthday was number one on her list of birthday presents! My sister is the biggest animal lover I know and she is the one who told me I had to watch the news story about the chimps arrival 7 years ago. Her devotion to animals is incredible!”
Julie and Karen, we are so touched that you have both followed the chimpanzees since the beginning of their lives in sanctuary and continue to hold them in your hearts. Julie, thank you for sponsoring this day in celebration of your sister! Karen, may your day be filled with love, serenity and all the things you find joy in. Happy Birthday from all of the primates here at CSNW!!
Beautiful Jody, always seems to find joy in her life:
Happy Birthday, Karen. Thank you Julie for honoring your sister by sharing with the chimps. I wish both of you many happy days. Great picture of the lovely Jody!