We put out a lunch forage on Young’s Hill this afternoon and everyone but Negra went outside right away to gather their favorite foods. Some of the chimps made their way back to the Greenhouse to enjoy their tasty morsels out of the wind, while others stayed out eating and foraging along the way. After they had their fill, most of the chimps stayed in the Greenhouse and either napped or groomed one another.
I went out a few times to check on them throughout the afternoon and each time one or more of the chimps was back out on the hill, foraging for the pieces they didn’t find earlier. I love lunch forages because they last all afternoon.
If you were given a choice between raw carrots, celery, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet potatoes, onions, brussel sprouts, mixed peppers or mushrooms, which would you choose?
Annie seemed to really like the combination of carrots, sweet potatoes and primate chow (by the mouthful).
Missy bypassed the veggies and harvested some fresh green plants to eat on her second outing.
And on what may have been Missy’s fourth trip out onto the hill to look for left overs, she came back to the Greenhouse with a handful of raw mushrooms.
Negra did eventually brave the wind and spent time eating primate chow and grass before returning to the Greenhouse.
Missy scores! Finding mushrooms must be a real treat!! (Doesn’t Missy have the cutest bod?! I love the photo of her prancing along the log.) Happy Negra finally ventured out to forage. I think she looks very determined — she’s all business in these photos! (Or maybe she’s complaining to herself about the wind!)