J.B. mentioned last week that the real first day of Spring at the sancutary is Negra emerging from the cozy indoors onto Young’s Hill. Well, Missy has her own way of indicating that it’s Spring.
Missy can be a pit preoccupied with having what we call the “barn doors” open – even during the winter months. The barn doors are the two wooden doors that cover the steel doors that open up to the playroom from the outside.
We keep them closed during cold weather, but sometimes Missy will still ask for them to be open even when it’s chilly. If we oblige, she will usually just walk away.
But, when it gets warmer, we prop the wooden doors open and the chimpanzees can spend time in the sun in that spot as well as the many other sunny spots in the building, in the greenhouse, and on the hill.
Today, volunteer Denice came by to do some garden prep, and Missy was curious about her activities, overseeing Denice’s work and looking out the window where she’ll be able to see the tomatoes growing in just a few months:
With the warmer weather and barn doors open more regularly now, Missy, for whatever reason, tends to initiate more interactions with her human caregivers.
Here are some photos of Missy enticing me to play by showing me a towel and pushing it through the mesh of the steel barn doors:
I responded by ditching the camera and running over to the barn doors where Missy was waiting, and she quickly whisked the towel away and waited by the doors where I had been standing inside the building, pushing the towel through there. This process repeated, sometimes with Missy allowing me to grab the other end of the towel and playing tug of a war for a few seconds.
To me, Missy initiating tug of war and having me run around from inside to outside is the final sign of Spring.
Thank you, Missy!
Ha ha ha!! Loved this! Perhaps some of the best photos of Missy too, maybe because she isn’t zooming about but instead sitting next to her open-air doors. I think the first photo is wonderful, and the expressions on her face on all photos are delightful. BUT… the last 2 images kill me! They need to be framed together. (What is she thinking?!)
Happy Missy Play Day and Happy Spring to All!
Thanks, Kathleen! It is special to be able to get a photo of Missy at (relative) rest! 🙂