March 20th may have marked the first official day of spring, but around here we follow a different calendar. It’s not truly spring until the ever-elusive Negra emerges from her playroom nest to bask in the sun and partake in the delicacy of fresh spring grass.
The first sighting is always accompanied by jubilant announcements over staff radios and a frantic search for cameras to document the occasion.
Of course, Negra has already gone out on the hill for forages this year, but always with a laser-like focus on collecting food and going back to bed indoors as quickly as possible. When spring arrives, she savors her time outside.
For a few short weeks, the grass will be sweet and tender. The cold winds of spring will begin to relent, and the scorching heat of summer will have yet to arrive.
This is Negra Weatherâ„¢, and we will all relish every minute of it while it lasts. For soon, she will disappear back into the pile of blankets from whence she came, only to reemerge when the conditions are just right.
So, from Negra and all of us at CSNW, Happy First Day of Spring!
Wise Woman.
These might just be some of the best photos of Negra I have seen! Look at her! Beautiful and content. And now I know why I love her so. We are soul sisters. We have the same feeling regarding those perfect temperatures. Not too hot. Not too cold. “Just right” is what we like.
so nice to enjoy the spring sun…
It is so nice to see Negra outside just enjoying something so simple as the sun. Of course spring grass, “sweet and tender”, is something to relish also.