Recently we got some toy sinks in the mail, and I knew right away Jamie would be interested. Sure enough, we filled up the sink with some soapy water, along with some dishes and scrub brushes, and she began her inspection.
First, she tried to take the thing apart. When that proved to be more work than she expected, she went to using the brush to dip into the bubbly water and wipe on her tongue. Mmm, tasty soapy water! (We use all plant-based, non-toxic soap, so it’s okay if the chimps decide to eat it).
Once she had explored the sink thoroughly, she grabbed a pencil and picked up the assembly instruction sheet we left behind.
The instructions are always the last thing I look at too.
I’ve always known that Jamie was intelligent but this just blew my mind. She is incredible!
You can just hear the wheels in her mind turning……. but…. can’t forget the cowboy boots !
It’s always good to have a boot to fall back on! She’s such a clever girl …