This has been a pretty big week for Burrito.
Just two days ago, Katelyn wrote about how Burrito has been tagging along when Jamie and her caregivers walk around the hill. It’s a sign of his growing confidence that he’s able to venture further away form the security of the chimp house in the company of other chimps. But yesterday, Burrito decided that he doesn’t even need Jamie’s company anymore. Now he’s the one asking us to go on walks!
All day long, he’s been trying to capture our attention with playful stomps and head bobs. As soon as we approach, he runs up the hill, waiting just long enough for us to catch up before running off again. You can even hear him laughing as he runs.
Nearly seven years after their release from the lab, and three and a half years since their first experience outdoors, we are still witnessing the chimps grow physically and emotionally.
Burrito even played a lead role in a brief patrol today. This afternoon, an unusual bird call could be heard coming from the woods nearby. Jody was the first to check it out, as she often is. Burrito then walked to the top of the hill to join her.
At first, Foxie watched from a distance.
As did Annie.
But soon a group gathered at the top of the hill, and after a brief investigation, they determined that is was nothing to worry about.
So Burrito went right back to his new routine.
I sure hope this continues. I love to see him freely exploring the hill and taking advantage of all of the space that’s available to him. And I’m thrilled that he’s getting so much exercise. But if I’m being honest, there’s one other thing that I’m happy about, for purely selfish reasons:
He doesn’t make us wear cowboy boots.
Brilliant punchline, JB LOL.
Agreed, awesome punch line! lol
Woo-hoo! Hooray, Burrito!
First Burrito was carrying a toothbrush in his mouth during his new walking venture earlier this week, today it’s a block. I wonder if this behavior is like carrying a security blanket for reassurance.
I’m very happy for you Burrito! You are such a handsome fellow!
I’m in agreement with the others, perfect ending J.B.!! But Burrito might make you carry and wooden block or toy…. or toothbrush in your mouth when you patrol with him!
This is all such exciting news. So many acts of courage this past year: Annie braving it alone, Negra coming out onto the Hill and even climbing one day, and now Burrito patrolling on his own and kicking up his heals with his “goat kick Burrito Hop”!? It’s amazing. There is no doubt about it, Young’s Hill is magical!
Hurray for Burito !!!!! Thanks for giving him a nice home !!!!!