I don’t think there is anything about Annie that isn’t endearing. She is a beautiful and special chimpanzee woman. I love the way the chimp house is filled with “Annie bird song” throughout the day and just hearing her makes your heart swell because you know she is happy and content.
I love times like this morning when we have to call her for breakfast because she is sitting on Young’s Hill by herself watching the sun come up over the hill. And it’s a joy to find her in the greenhouse so at peace as she soaks up the sun’s warmth. And I love Annie’s feet! The wonderful way she holds them, crosses them, claps them together when she’s particularly content, or just stretches them out in front of herself.
I love how much she loves her best friend, Missy, and how much joy, curiosity, and courage she approaches each day of her life with.
Annie is a gentle soul and even though she is a “chimp’s chimp,” meaning she prefers the company of her chimpanzee friends to that of humans, she only looks at us with kindness in her eyes. It takes a special person to be able to do that after all she has been through. And makes it all the more special when she decides to spend time with us, or run over and offer us the rare gift of a kiss.
Annie brings so much joy to our lives. But most importantly, we couldn’t be more grateful that she gets to spend the rest of her life choosing how she will spend each day, with whom she will spend it, and being loved for exactly who she is.
That was lovely! Thank you!
I hate being gone from the Sanctuary but I love when Annie runs over to great me with a kiss when I return.
Lovely post. You have such a special job observing these chimpanzees day to day, watching them change and blossom, and overcome their fears. How magical to get to know each individual personality. Thanks for helping us better understand Annie and all the chimps from afar. The more I learn the closer I feel to each of them.
Thank you for all your pictures and posts – I look forward to them each day. They make me smile and affirm all the goodness there is in the world.
Ah Katelyn, rare form…what a lovely (and eloquent) post. Ah Annie, an inspirational being.
I look forward each day to news of the wonderful chimps. Thank you to all the people at the sanctuary for everything you do. You are truly special!!
I look forward to reading the posts each day, thank you for taking the time to do this and letting us watch from afar with you.
Thank you for the lovely post Katelyn. Annie’s beautiful face matches that of her beautiful soul — which your words very eloquently described. I love Annie.