The chimpanzees have developed their own daily routines. Typically, they are at their highest arousal level in the morning time. That is also when they seem to be the most active, often times playing, displaying and greeting one another and caregivers. After breakfast, the chimps spend time building nests with the new blankets, checking out the new enrichment, playing and venturing out onto Young’s Hill. After lunch, the chimps’ arousal level shifts. Most of the chimpanzees either enjoy their afternoon with a siesta, or by grooming themselves or one another. Other chimps demand to go on walks around Young’s Hill.
This afternoon was no different. I caught Annie enjoying her afternoon siesta in the Greenhouse. She looked quite content on the deck and briefly interrupted her resting time to groom Missy before closing her eyes.
Foxie took her time to enjoy her chow one piece at a time.
Jody spent a large portion of her afternoon grooming her hands and arms.
Negra sat on the bottom platform for a few minutes after lunch just looking around before heading inside to get comfortable in her blanket nest.
Missy and Burrito were busy grooming one another while the other chimps were resting.
And what do you think Jamie was up to? She was busy looking for someone to go on a walk with her of course.
Love hearing about their day – thank you!
I’m sorry but my fave pic is the one of Foxie looking at the chow in her lips lol.
So?!? Who did Jamie find to be her walking buddy? You can’t leave us hanging! : )
Excellent photos of everyone. What a delightful and relaxing day.
I really enjoy hearing how the chimps spend their time. Love the wonderful faces!