As Katelyn mentioned in her post the other day, Jody is known as Jody the Harvester.
Though we have been having a very mild winter, there isn’t much new to harvest on Young’s Hill yet. Today, instead, Jody turned her harvesting attentions to the Christmas tree.
We’ve been getting a lot of use out of that Christmas tree – using it to hide goodies during various foraging parties. It’s in a big pot right now in the Greenhouse, and we are hoping to plant it on the hill in the spring, but we weren’t sure if the chimps would allow it to survive until we can plant it.
For the most part, they’ve ignored it, aside from getting treats out of it during parties. Every once in a while, however, Jody decides to take a few samples:
She seems fascinated by the tree
Very sweet. Photos so good I could almost smell the evergreen scent!
Those pictures capture her so well, her expressions are delightful and I feel her curiosity. Hope the tree makes it to Spring – only 20 some days away 🙂