It was 10 degrees when we arrived at the sanctuary this morning and much of Young’s Hill was covered in frost. Our days have been stunningly bright and cold. The contrast of walking into the very warm chimp house to find the chimpanzees safe, comfortable and enjoying the sun from their nests makes this time of year all the more enchanting.
As you are probably aware by now if you follow the blog, Jamie is not a fair weather chimpanzee. She manages to make the most of each day regardless of the season and this usually means several walks around her beloved Young’s Hill. As we headed up the hill today we were greeted by a doe and her fawn:
Despite the cold temperatures, Jamie quickly made the decision to take a minute to chase off the intruders before resuming our walk:
After three laps Jamie decided the perimeter had been successfully secured and was ready for a break to warm up. As you might imagine, all the walking around Young’s Hill that Jamie does can be tough on a girls feet. If you’ve ever wondered how the chimpanzees’ care for their nails, Jamie decided to give herself a pedicure this afternoon and shows us how it’s done:
The fact that Jamie can spend her days walking around Young’s Hill, defending her home against “marauding” deer/eagles/hawks, and then return to the chimp house when she chooses and relax in a cozy nest and groom herself is a big part of what sanctuary means for her. As you might imagine, it means something different to each of the chimpanzees’ just as our own freedoms and choices do to us. Every single minute of their day, every choice they make, every comfort they enjoy, is a gift made possible by you. And we couldn’t be more thankful.
Today, Giving Tuesday, is a wonderful opportunity to help non-profits out through your generosity and compassion. If you haven’t had a chance yet, please check out the #GivingTuesday video that Diana sent out earlier today to see more of what your support means to the chimpanzees and how you can help ensure that every day is a day of sanctuary for them.
Loved this …
Didn’t Jamie use an every board once?
Hi Barbara,
Yes, Jamie does enjoy using emery boards to file her nails occasionally. This is most likely the result of having spent the first 9 years of her life in a human home with a trainer, but we provide her (and all the chimps) with things they are interested in and they get to choose what they want to do with it. 🙂
Katelyn, the light in these photos! Amazing! Something looks different!
Thanks, Sandra! We were noticing the same thing. Just got lucky I think!
the leader’s job is never done….
Is frostbite a concern?