If you read this blog, you hopefully also get our e-newsletter, so this video may have landed in your inbox early this morning.
#GivingTuesday is the big kick-off to holiday giving for nonprofits, so we wanted to make sure you didn’t miss out! Please share the video now with your friends via email, Facebook, Twitter, etc!
We’re hoping to get closer to our 50 new sponsor-a-days for 2015 today, so please consider sponsoring a day for yourself or a loved one. It’s a great two-for-one gift: a gift for the chimpanzees and a gift for your honored special someone. What could be sweeter?
Your donation today, whether a sponsor-a-day donation, a chimpanzee pal donation, or a general donation, will receive a special thank you bonus as part of your email confirmation.
Thank you for remembering Annie, Burrito, Foxie, Jamie, Jody, Missy, and Negra in your holiday giving!
Watch and share the #GivingTuesday video below:
And feel free to share this image too!