We’ve had some beautiful, sunny, blue sky days this weekend which is unusual for this time of year, and Jamie is certainly taking advantage of it. Diana and Jamie went on at least six walks yesterday! Missy joined a couple of times, but of course opted to run at full speed while Jamie kept to more of a saunter.
Then Missy decided to sprint toward the log bridge as if it were a vault, and she appeared to lose her a balance a little bit. Or maybe she meant to hurdle herself in that way, and it was actually an intentional landing. So, the question is, did Missy lose her balance or did she totally stick that landing? Let us know what you think in the comments.
Two feet on the ground, hands up…… She stuck that landing.
totally stuck that landing! 10!!
A 10! Good job Missy!
YAY MISSY! Always a 10 in my book.
She nailed it!
nailed it!
she NAILED IT ! even after the uneven ground made her adjust with a seeming lurch ! what a perfect gal indeed 🙂
Judge from NY says “10”. Totally nailed it! Absolutely hysterical!
Got to love her. She nailed it!