Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest (CSNW) could not do what it does without the generous support of such compassionate, caring and generous people. We cannot express enough how much we value and thank all those who are part of this sanctuary family. (Read more in the first, second and third days of giving thanks).
In the spirit of continuing to give thanks, I’d like to take this time to recognize all the folks who have made in-kind donations to benefit the chimpanzees and the sanctuary over the past six and a half years. In-kind donations are the direct donation of needed goods and services. They are vital to providing a safe, healthy and enriching environment for all the primates at CSNW.
Throughout the years, many folks have graciously donated their professional architectural and construction services to help transform the sanctuary into what it is today.
I also want to give a pant hoot thanks to those who have donated their professional graphic design and videography services and to all of those who have given items and gift certificates for auctions. These donations have been a tremendous help with our fundraising efforts and have helped share the stories of Jamie, Jody, Foxie, Negra, Burrito, Missy and Annie with the rest of the world.
Of course, the health of the chimpanzees is always top priority. I would also like to offer a huge thank you to those who have most kindly donated their veterinary services and equipment over the years to ensure the health of the Cle Elum 7.
Fresh fruit and vegetables is also of utmost importance in keeping the chimps healthy (and enriched). I want to be sure to thank those who have regularly gone above and beyond to ensure that the chimps have healthy food to eat each day.
Jody enjoying a mouthful of fresh cabbage.
Have we mentioned that Burrito LOVES food!
Another huge thank you goes out to all those who have purchased items from our Amazon Wish List. While many of the items, such as laundry detergent, garbage bags, gloves, soap, stamps, and printer toner may not seem at all “glamorous,” they are essential to the day-to-day operations of the sanctuary. They help us keep our expenses down by providing things we need to operate and they help staff and volunteers do their jobs more efficiently and effectively.
We also include extra special gifts on our wish list like toys, puzzles, dolls, socks, non-toxic art supplies, brushes, etc., all aimed to enhance and enrich the daily lives of the chimpanzees. We regularly receive enrichment packages from people near and far. Items like kongs and tool sets have provided hours of problem solving for Jamie; while troll and dora dolls have helped Foxie gain confidence over the years.
And then there are the countless donations from those who know how to throw a party to celebrate all the holidays, birthdays or just-because days. What’s a party without festive cups, plates, piñatas or streamers? We also receive numerous donations that follow our enrichment guidelines including cowboy boots, blankets, magazines, paper, etc.
Sometimes the words “thank you” just don’t seem to capture the immense gratitude we feel for all those who have offered these in-kind donations over the years. Know that your generosity has affected each and every primate (human and non-human) at the sanctuary in such a deep and meaningful way and will continue to transform the lives of Jamie, Jody, Negra, Foxie, Burrito, Missy and Annie. Without each and every single one of you, the sanctuary would not be what it is today.
We are the sum of all of our parts.
Hip-hip-hurrah for party planners. They definitely make life at the sanctuary more fun.