Hank the Hawk has had some competition lately from a bald eagle that has been hunting at the sanctuary. Bernard, as we are now calling this new visitor, is almost twice the size of Hank, with a 6- or 7-foot wingspan.
Last weekend, he touched down about 100 yards from Young’s Hill.
We’re not sure if the chimps have noticed him yet, but the other day Negra was alarm calling like crazy as she looked out the window. Perhaps this is what she saw:
The arctic blast is still making life here miserably cold, but today the air was still and the sun was shining, so the chimps took the opportunity to spend some time outside. Jody seemed quite content at first, despite the cold.
She and Missy perched themselves on some stumps while Foxie and Annie explored the rest of Young’s Hill and Jamie patrolled the perimeter of the enclosure.
After a while, however, Jody’s look of contentment dissolved into her characteristic sneer of discomfort, or “cold face” as we call it, and she headed back to the warmth of the greenhouse.
You can almost see her cursing the arctic blast.
Jamie, on the other hand, is not fazed by bald eagles or arctic blasts.