Today’s day of sanctuary was sponsored by the chimpanzees’ (and the humans’!) good friend, Adrienne Armstrong! Adrienne, her family, and friends have done so much to help the chimpanzees and make their lives better. Her kindness and compassion are evident in all she does and how she chooses to live her life.
Adrienne, we are so touched that you chose to spend your own special day by making the chimps’ day special as well. Thank you! All of us here at CSNW hope you have the best of days, and that all the good you offer others comes back to you tenfold! Happy Birthday (with lots of food grunts and pant hoots)!!
Ever the charmer, Burrito:
Well done Adrienne – wishing you, our special 7, and all the wonderful caregivers a fabulous day!
Happy Birthday Adrienne! I wish you and the chimps many happy future days! Thank you for sharing your day with the chimps.