There were so many good photos of each of the chimpanzees that I had to share them all on today’s blog. It’s really hard to pick a favorite.
Annie’s beauty is beyond words.
Missy actually sat still long enough for us to get a few photos.
Foxie enjoyed her pears at breakfast. Perhaps they taste better by the mouthful.
Burrito spent part of the afternoon playing with his wooden blocks and his own arm.
Jamie took a moment to pose for the camera before going for a walk on Young’s Hill.
Jody took some time to groom herself and ponder her surroundings.
They just all look so beautiful, happy and so healthy! Their hair is so thick and shiny! Thanks for these gorgeous photos of the gorgeous 7!
The true meaning of beauty! Thank you for sharing these wonderful pictures!
Negra looks so comfy….zzzzzz……….
Thank you so much for your posts. I read each one, although I cannot always send a reply. The more that I learn about your facility and the magnificent seven, the more I realize just how significant your research and jobs are.I look forward to many more posts, educational and funny stories, and great pictures.
I just love to see pictures of the Chimps. I have learned to love them all!
Thanks for sending them everyday. They make my heart happy.