When Jamie gets a new pair of boots, she likes to have a caregiver model them first. Here’s Debbie showing off new boots from Lisa Stuverud yesterday. (Jamie didn’t seem to mind that the boots were too small for Debbie.)
Then Jamie usually demands that the caregiver modeling the boots accompany her on a walk around Young’s Hill. When that’s done, Jamie’s ready for us to give her the boots. She spends some time inspecting them closely. Yesterday she even licked them.
Sometime I am not sure what I admire (or am touched by) the most. The times you stay up late so a chimp like Jamie can continue to be outside late and walk Young’s Hill OR the fact that as caregivers you have to squeeze into boots that are too small (maybe even painfully so) and then walk Young’s Hill wearing them so Jamie is happy. CSNW is better than OZ!
I love Jamie.
Do you know why she likes boots so much ?
Wonderful story about Jamie!
I understand her boot fetish. I love my boots too. It is a woman thing.