Over six and a half years ago, J.B., Diana, Sarah, and Keith all visited the chimpanzees while they were still in the Buckshire lab. J.B. wrote this entry about Jody and how the first thing he noticed about her were her striking eyes. After living at CSNW now for over six years, I think they are even more vibrant now than they ever have been before.

She certainly is beautiful and is happy and content.
Beautiful! The chimps have such wonderful expressive faces.
Those beautiful, all knowing eyes! She is truly beautiful.
The eyes are even more expressive than they were six years ago. Back at the lab the eyes were almost blank. Now they are vibrant, notice everything, and are full of life. I often wonder what they are thinking.
There is a clarity to her eyes now. Jody knows she is loved and respected, she has a good diet with plenty of exercise and choices.
That is so awesome!
She will always win Miss NW Sanctuary for her beauty to me. She’s a looker all right:)
Indeed her view is fully panoramic now,
no more smelly labs, no more dingy, sweaty walls, or urine stained floors
no more , no more,
Her eyes have seen it all,
NOW she has it all as best as can be,
thank you CSNW