One of our primary goals here at the sanctuary is to allow and encourage the chimpanzees to act like chimpanzees, in as many ways as possible. A big part of being a chimp is being around other chimps – something that many lab chimps are denied. As much as we caregivers love playing, grooming, and just hanging out with our chimp friends (and we’re always there for them if they want our company), we always prefer to see them enjoying the company of other chimps.
Some chimps, like Missy, tend to prefer chimp company over human company, while others, like Burrito, usually seek out humans to play with. So it’s especially rewarding to see a guy like Burrito just be a chimp with other chimps.
Around one minute in, Burrito gets up to walk and it looks like he has a long scar across his abdomen. Is that from some experiment done on him?
That last shot is priceless.
I noticed that long line on Burrito’s side as well.
I love the part when it seems like Foxie is whispering sweet nothings in Mr. B’s ear. 🙂
Wonderful video.
That was cute.I needed that , thanks
Nicki Grasso
That was great! Thank you for posting this – and yes, that last picture is priceless.
Wonderful! The chimps are such a joy to watch!
and then its all over, Bless them all,
I love Burrito, he is such a lovely boy,
I see a Valentine card in the making. Loved this!!!