A few days ago we discovered the remains of a slumber party in the loft of the playroom (see photo below):
While it’s great to get photos of the chimpanzees doing things, it’s also fun to come across the evidence of their activities when we safely enter the area where they were.
The slumber party remains inspired me to take a look for some other nest photos, and below are a few favorites. But first a photo of Jody from a few weeks ago creating yet another nest masterpiece. I love the way Jody rolls the blankets to make a tight nest:
Here’s another photo of some sort of slumber party action:
This nest was found in Negra’s winter spot in the loft, so it might be hers, though it looks a bit neat for her style, so I’m going to guess it was a Missy construction. I like the unusually high sides:
What is happening here? Another multi-nest, or the start of a single enormous bed?
I’m a fan of hay and straw incorporated into nests, like this day-nest found on top of the platform in the greenhouse:
and then there’s the nests that have toys and other favorite things included:
This one’s from just the other day. If you’re familiar with the chimps, I give you only one guess as to who made this bed:
I am amazed with each and every post. Thank you thank you!
Thank you for reading!
It’s wonderful to think of the Seven getting together for a little night time fun after the humans have left.
Do you turn the lights out at night
Yes, we do turn off all of the lights at night.
Slumber parties ! Love it 🙂
I’m curious about what they do at night when no humans are around. Any chance of installing a small video camera ?
Jaime made the boot nest Right? I want to let ya’ll know I am off Facebook for a bit. I deactivated my account. some family dynamics due with my grandfather and greed. Anyways, just so you know. I am in-love with chimp nesting. They are so clever. They are so amazing.
Also someone asked why it was not good to have a chimp live with them, I said “because chimps can live up to their 60’s when they are in captivity. Who wants to raise a chimp for that long”? It’s not like they can move out and go to college , then get a job, pay bills and have its own apartment, and then buy a home and pay the property tax.”LOL That explanation made perfect sense. I also told them why it was not good to own them and have them as pets. I went over everything. But the first thing I said was about chimps moving out on their own when they grow up. LOL It is a lifelong commitment and no one has successfully raised a chimp that I know of. A sanctuary is the second best thing to the wild. Love you guys and enjoy the rest of your weekend. (:(])
I know the bottom nest is a Jamie nest!
Jamie is the correct answer for the maker of the last nest pictured 🙂
you need popcorn for a slumber party !
This was an great post Diana, thanks so much! I am guessing you can usually guess who the creator is of the nests you uncover (besides the boot filled or troll filled versions!). Did Jody make the next with the straw?
Do the chimps often sleep all together in a Slumber Party style or is this a rare occurrence? Is there any pattern to where they prefer to sleep and with whom? Oh to be a fly on the wall after the staff goes home. ; )
I know you go in and clean their living and sleeping quarters every day but am wondering what would happen if you left the nests as they are…would the owners go back to their own nests or completely dismantle them themselves and make new ones? I know in the wild they make new ones every night but that’s because they travel around so much. It would be interesting to see what they would do if the nests were left as is for a night!