Today is a beautiful spring day here at the sanctuary and the chimpanzees have been enjoying a relaxing day in the warm spring breezes. Jamie was ready for a walk around Young’s Hill after lunch and after donning the Jamie-approved cowgirl boot, we set off. Everyone (with the exception of Negra who chose to enjoy the warm spring breeze from her nest in the sun) came out to spend time exploring. But Jamie and I decided to meander, stopping to check things out and wait for each other along the way.
This is not usually the case when walking with Jamie. She has a sense of purpose to everything she does and Jamie, being Jamie, typically determines the course and speed of the walk. She isn’t one to wait around for her caregivers (or the other chimpanzees) and does not appreciate any of us making up the route or getting ahead of her. But this spring day, with so much in bloom, she tolerated a little exploring on both our parts.
Once back inside, I found Jamie nesting in front of the barn doors, surrounded by her magazines and enjoying the warm breeze through the playroom.
She stayed like this for a long time, just gazing outside and enjoying the view into the chimpanzees’ garden. It was a rare treat to see her so relaxed and at peace.
She didn’t even mind the paparazzi.
We hope you are all enjoying equally beautiful and relaxing spring days, wherever you are!