Overnight it appears as though Mother Nature has suddenly come to the conclusion that winter is long overdue. Although we have had periodic snow during this winter nothing really stuck, until now. Starting today, Ellensburg and Cle Elum have joined the rest of the nation as a snow covered wilderness. As you may already know, the chimpanzees consider snow to be a delightful treat so I imagine that they are not that put out by the sudden windfall. Many of them collected a tasty, snowy snack immediately after access to Young’s Hill but not all of them braved the cold for a handful of snow. In an effort to provide access to this good fortune for all we decided on a snow forage in the playroom as extra enrichment today. I’m thinking it was a definite success!
Jamie selecting snow peas from the snow forage:
Annie eating a handful of snow from a bucket:
Burrito eating his snow right from the bucket:
Missy, on the left, eating snow from the table and Jody looking over her shoulder at the camera:
Foxie with a mouthful of snow:
Jody eating snow from a bucket buffet:
Although everyone sampled the snow, it was Missy who seemed to enjoy the snow forage the most today. She ate mouthful after mouthful.