We’ve mentioned it 1000 times I’m sure but Jamie is one of the most intelligent people we know. I cannot even begin to imagine how difficult and frustrating it must be for her to be stuck behind bars. Captivity would be difficult for anyone, but Jamie has a tendency to get very bored, antsy, and even demanding sometimes – especially during the cold, cabin-fever months. It’s completely understandable (check out this fantastic post from Diana from a couple of years ago reflecting on Jamie’s personality, both prior to CSNW and after her arrival here). We caregivers are completely dedicated to provide a stimulating environment for her and all of the Cle Elum Seven. Each day we do all that we can to give them interesting things to do and exciting enrichment they love, which in Jamie’s case always includes boots.
Jamie has a huge boot collection:
But nothing gets her more excited than a new (to her) pair of boots. Who can blame her? Don’t we all get excited when we get a new pair of shoes? But, she tends to ‘love them to death’, so to speak, so they often don’t last very long. We’ve had to throw several pairs away lately and I noticed yesterday that our supply is dwindling. It occurred to me that this might be the perfect time to seek some help from you Jamie-lovers. Maybe you got a new pair of boots for Christmas and have an older pair you would like to get rid of? Or maybe you’ve been finding yourself at thrift stores lately trying to catch good deals and just hadn’t thought to be on the lookout for Jamie’s favorite thing? We certainly don’t want anyone to spend a ton of money on boots (see statement above about ‘loving them to death’) but if you happen to have an old pair or come across one, you really would make Jamie’s day.
Jamie’s fascination with boots…well, it fascinates me! These photos show her bliss so well!
The third photo of her under the striped blanket looks like she is day dreaming about a new pr. of boots! 🙂 I didn’t see her custom made boots in the line-up…were those also “loved to death” ? Maybe we can get her a new custom made pr.!! Let me know!! 🙂
It looks like there are more boots on the other side of the bin in that picture, so they must be over there because we still have them. I’m sure she’d love another pair though! 🙂
and for those of you wondering what we are talking about, check out this blog post about the boots Australian-based company Vegan Wares made for Jamie, thanks to Chris: https://chimpsnw.org/2011/05/these_boots_wre_made_for_walkin/
It sounds like it’s time to make a trip to the thrift stores here in Kent. I think I owe it to her. When she asked to look at my boots last week I think she might have been a little disappointed when I lifted my pant leg and all she saw was my leg. 🙂
Amazing what facinates each one of the chimps. I really enjoy coming to the site each day to see what you have shared and who it is your giving us the pleasure of reading about as well as the photos.