Every once in a while supporters send us photos of Chimpanzee Sanctuary Northwest merchandise that they’ve purchased. I love seeing the chimps represented in people’s private homes or office spaces (or, in the case of clothing, on people). Here are a couple of recent images that we’ve received.
Here’s a 2013 calendar in the kitchen of the Edwards all the way in the UK! The calendar was a surprise gift and actually served as an introduction to the sanctuary for both the gifter and the giftee. (In case you’re wondering, we do still have a few 2013 calendars left, so get yours before they’re all gone).
And this is from a little while ago, but one of my favorite images because supporter Debbie C. personalized what she purchased. She had one of Jamie’s art prints framed, alongside a photo of Jamie and her artist’s bio that came with the art print. It makes me so happy to think of Debbie seeing Jamie everyday like this.