A few nights ago while the chimpanzees were being served dinner in the greenhouse, I entered the playroom for a quick spot clean and found this nest in Negra’s current favorite spot in the loft. The photos really don’t do it justice. It was about four feet wide and beautifully put together. The next morning when we (reluctantly) deconstructed it during cleaning, we counted 23 blankets! It was only four years ago that Negra and the other chimps were sleeping on bare concrete in the lab. To Negra, I think sanctuary means comfort.
Marsha says
Great Job Negra! Are these Polar fleece? I would think they LOVE it!
kathryn l. dehn says
She really built this nest herself out of the blankets there? That is so amazing I can hardly believe it. WOW!
Doreen says
You Guys have given these wonderful Apes a chance to be APES! Thank You so much! What a great looking nest!
kathryn l. dehn says
At first glance the nest looks man-made. I know they can accomplish this, however; but, still a project done with man’s resources..
Amy M says
kathryn l. dehn says
True that! Negra is very versatile and adaptable and flexable to accomplish such a deed!
Carissa says
Wow, that nest looks comfy! I’m so glad Negra can have some comfort in her retirement. This made me wonder, though… I guess the chimps have to go to the bathroom in the room when they’re not our on the hill… do they go to the bathroom in their nests and just not care, or do they have a place they would go away from their things. I’m just wondering as far as behavior. Seems like they would want to go away from their things. I know this is a weird question but I love knowing all things about chimp behavior.
Elizabeth says
Hi Carissa – Not a weird question at all! The chimpanzees generally move away from their nests to go to the bathroom.
Libby says
Sara L., Fairfax, VA says
Love all the colors – especially the skull blanket! LOL. That’s a happy chimp that can have as many blankets as she can find to make such a comfy bed.
Marcia Douthwaite says
Doesn’t this touch your heart? Negra takes care to make her nest and it is lovely.
Jeani Goodrich says
I wish I could have watched her making this beautiful nest! It is truly a lovely work of art! I can see Negra spending a good share of her day enjoying that comfy nest! Thanks Elizabeth.
Jordan Bower says
Absolutely wonderful. I wish I could have seen the nest in the making too. Thank you for the photos.
kathryn l. dehn says
Been looking for a website like this for a time now. I’m 65 but have my own cptr as of last fall. Newbie to cptr. Love Goodall!
Valerie Merkes says
I am happy these beautiful primates finally get out of “jail”.